The American university system is diverse. Over 4,000 degree-granting institutions deliver a wide range of programs offering unique experiences for international students. Moreover, the diversity in the United states partly is for the reason that the federal government is not involved with educational institutions, programs, or curriculums, or degrees or other qualifications. Because of a decentralized education system, state governments are responsible for overseeing the activities of higher education institutions.
With so many options and information available, we understand that it can be confusing to find the right instituiton especially in the US, where terms are used interchangeably. For example, When a university includes the term “national” in its name, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s overseen by the national government. The use of “national” doesn’t indicate federal support or stature. For example, the National University of San Diego, California, is a private institution. Murray State University is a public university; the University of Pennsylvania, by contrast, is a private institution.
Difference Between Public and Private Universities
Public Universities: These are primarily operated by states and territories, often as part of a state university system. Each state usually supports at least one state university, with some supporting many more. Public universities tend to be larger and often less expensive than private ones. California, for example, has an 11-campus University of California system, a 23-campus California State University system, and a 109-campus California Community Colleges System.
Private Universities: These institutions do not receive primary support from the government. They can be either non-profit or for-profit, and some may have religious affiliations. While private universities are often more expensive, they may offer more financial assistance for international students.
Variety of University Focuses
US colleges and universities vary in their overall focus, which can include vocational, business, engineering, technical, or liberal arts curricula. Some institutions emphasize one area, while others offer a combination of programs.